Saturday, March 22, 2008

Dreaming of my garden from afar...

Jer (my fiancée) & I are visiting his mom in Florida this weekend. Just before we left I snapped a few photos of the front flower bed and the raised garden beds in the backyard.

Above and to the left is a general view of the flower bed off the front porch (I planted the variegated wallflower too close to the French lavender, so my project on Monday is to move it - right now I'm thinking that I'll put it and my apricot twist wallflower where I had the purple asters that the drought killed. Along those lines, I had three asters so I need another plant, but I haven't decided whether I want to get an additional apricot twist or another variegated (suggestions are welcome). Above and to the right is a detail view showing our tulips and the Spanish lavender that I put between two of our holly bushes. Right now I'm feeling that the bulbs are unevenly spaced (probably because some of the bulbs didn't come up), so I'm either going to fill in the empty spots or lift all of them in the fall and then and replant them so that the overall look is more uniform. Finally, in the picture below you can see that I'm still trying to decide where to put my Grace Ward Lithodora! The label said to put them in an area that gets morning sun only, so I might put them off to the side of the front porch. However, I'm not sure if they'll be visible behind the holly bushes and the wallflowers that I'm thinking of putting in, so I may just get some hanging baskets and put them in over the porch.

I should have a little time on Monday to work on my gardening, and luckily the weather forecast is showing "mostly sunny". I want to clean up and finish planting the front bed so that I can concentrate on the raised garden beds in the backyard. I can't wait to get to work!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dearest darling daughter, I to am dreaming of what your garden now looks like. Since Dad and I helped in the creation of the raised beds and since we live so far, far, far, far, away and can not hop in the car and come and see for ourselves we would love to see thru pictures how the raised beds look. Do you find them a good investment, helpful, etc. love your mom

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